In 2015, during an especially thorough bout of special interest research, I stumbled upon an open directory. What found me there were the impossibly dense archives of an abandoned tech company. I have spent the past decade picking through whatever I could find, piecing together a rich understanding of the world this company left behind.
This is where I plan on dumping recreations of findings that are near and dear to me.
Keeping a low profile throughout my lurking has been a top priority of mine. Even with my newfound effort in publicizing material1, I don't want to risk making too much noise on the server in case there's anyone still out there monitoring it. Everything found here is created from scratch by yours truly, built as a loyal replication of the original material. This comes with the enhancement of my own added commentary, aiming to provide context only available through many, many pieces of boring supplemental material not worth recreating.
TRI-HARDER is a recovered thread from a private company forum chronicling a playthrough of an assumed defunct play-to-earn (P2E) game.
This is my first offering.